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"Gratitude, Sharing, Growth" - Report on the 2016 Dealer Meeting of Changzhou Koop Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
 Mar 28, 2017|View:3010

From December 15 to 17, 2016, the 2016 Annual Excellent Dealer Conference of Changzhou Koop Power Machinery Co., Ltd. was grandly held at Changzhou Mingdu Fengze Villa Hotel. The conference invited 116 domestic excellent dealer representatives. With the theme of "Gratitude, Sharing, and Growth", the conference aimed to share Kepu's growth and development process, promulgate the 2017 dealer policy, reward dealers, release new products, encourage dealers and Koop to develop together, and analyze and discuss the current status of the generator market and future development trends.

At 8:30 am on December 16, the video "KOOP" was played on the big screen, opening the curtain of the dealer conference in the form of a movie playback, showing the growth process of KOOP and that the development of KOOP today is inseparable from the contribution of every KOOP dealer. The dealer partners and KOOP have experienced ups and downs together and developed together.

The first item of the conference was a welcome speech by Mr. Jiang Jianbiao, General Manager of Kepu Company, who gave a keynote speech entitled "High-quality enterprises meet needs, and excellent enterprises create demand reality". In his speech, Mr. Jiang reviewed Kepu's transformation from dream to reality in the past ten years. All of our staff must work together to achieve a successful transformation from opportunistic growth to strategic growth. Among them, Mr. Jiang said a very responsible sentence of Kepu: mission-driven, fearless of difficulties. He also said that Kepu's mission is to continuously provide innovative and efficient power energy solutions to global users. In his speech, Mr. Jiang also put forward five keywords: mutual cooperation, honesty and trustworthiness, like-minded, making plans, and not forgetting the original intention. We must improve R&D management, enhance market insight and innovation capabilities, so as to provide a broader platform for dealers and ensure a new round of rapid growth for dealer partners!

The second part of the conference was a new product launch hosted by Mr. Ni Xuchu, technical general manager of Koop, who described several single-cylinder air-cooled diesel generator sets (less than 10 kilowatts) and inductive generator sets (KD8500XE-3G) with dual generator power efficiency that cater to new market demands and developments. He also introduced the advantages and features of these new products and the technical indicators achieved by their functional parameters. Mr. Ni emphasized that we must change our mindset, focus on innovation, continuous improvement, excellent operation, continuous discovery of problems, and establishment of perfect work standards, so that we can adapt to the increasingly competitive market environment, meet challenges together, and achieve win-win results. Mr. Ni's wonderful speech enabled the dealer partners to better understand the current situation and future development goals of Koop, and strengthened their confidence in win-win development with Koop.

The conference included three parts: "Gratitude, Sharing, Growth Exchange" and "Sales Department 2016 Work Summary and 2017 Work Plan" by Mr. Han Jianrong, General Manager of the Company's Domestic Sales Department. In 2016, under the general environment of strict requirements for national environmental protection legislation and "National III" emissions, and the slowdown of economic growth in many pillar industries, the circulation sales of Science and Technology Company still increased by more than 30% year-on-year. In his report, he mentioned that the dealer partners are the backbone of Science and Technology Company's sales. We must unite closely, win-win, cooperate, and grow together. Science and Technology Company will always be a strong backer of legally operating dealer partners.

Mr. Han gave an in-depth interpretation of the 2017 dealer policy and the details of on-site ordering, and elaborated on the incentives and support for dealers in the new policy.

The fourth item of the conference was speeches by several representative dealers, including Xiongwei from Yulin, Guangxi, Wang Zongqing from Zhengzhou, Henan, and other cooperative dealers. They shared their cooperation experience with the popular science company, demonstrated the many wonderful cooperations between the two parties, and jointly developed customer cases, making the concept of the popular science company "continuous innovation and win-win cooperation" more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The fifth item of the conference was the award ceremony for high-quality dealers. First, Mr. Jiang Jianbiao, General Manager of Science and Technology Company, Mr. Zhang Guanghui, Executive Vice President, Mr. Han Jianrong, Vice President, and Mr. Zhou Gui presented trophies and certificates to the winning dealers. There were special contribution awards, outstanding dealer awards, etc., and more than 30 dealers won this honor.

To this end, the company also held a large-scale song and dance performance and a celebration dinner to thank all dealers. Several lucky draws were also held on site. Many dealers were pleasantly surprised to receive their desired prizes and ended the Science Popularization 2016 Dealer Conference with joy.

At this point, the 2016 dealer meeting of Koop Company has come to a successful conclusion, and a new journey is about to begin. Looking back on 2016, we are full of pride and responsibility. Looking forward to 2017, we are full of ambition and passion. Every Kepu person is working hard for the beautiful vision of Koop! We firmly believe that with the joint cooperation of all Kepu people and dealer partners and continuous innovation, we will definitely be able to work together for a win-win situation, and our tomorrow will be better!

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Koop Power Machinery Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the research and development and manufacturing of small power engines and emergency electricity supply systems. The core team is composed of senior technical experts and management elites in the industry, with leading design capabilities and rich engineering practice in the fields of internal combustion engines and power electronics technology. Through unremitting efforts, Kepu has developed into a leading professional supplier of small power engines and mobile power supply industries in China.
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